June 16, 2012

a lunch in alabel, sarangani.....

when you're in gensan (general santos city), it is best to experience tuna and other seafoods home cooked. especially if you've got a mother who always says, that she can cook triple of the stuff of what is paid in the resto...but sometimes, we sway her with comfort and "atmosphere" of resto dining....but as always we consider price..and a laid back atmosphere...my father doesn't mind driving long too..

this is on ouy way to alabel, saranggani.

driving is nice and easy in alabel.....solo namin highway...hehehe...they've got good highway too...i'm not so sure, but i think it's courtesy of USAID....

its about time.....for sooooo  looooooong, public hospital is still nonexistent in Sarangani. thanks to Pacman, whose battle cry when he ran for the Congress, was for the hospital to be built. nearly 2 years after getting the seat, the plan is in "tarp" :) I am longing for the day that I see it standing.....i know it not easy to build a structure, more so if it is a hospital....keep it going PACMAN....and you guys (i don't know anyone of you...lol) who are doing everything to make this happen!!!!!

A Montana Resort is built in the middle of a fish/prawn ponds...the water around makes you think that its cool...but knowing the gensan/sarangani/south cotabato weather, this cannot make up....

these are mangroves, planted to separate the resort from the ponds.....and maybe to make the place cooler

and finally......4 dishes plus 2 platters of rice (sensya na, carboloading kami :) and drinks.....ain't bad for PhP1,800+++  that also includes the pool entrance....

quick tip....

aside from the pool and the resto, A Montana Resort has rooms where you can stay...and function rooms where you can hold private parties/seminars

if you've got no one to drive you to this place, from gensan, hire a tricycle (or a taxi, if you want to arrive a little bit stylish..hhmmm) that will wait while you do your stuff...you cannot commute cause its quite far from the highway...

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