March 5, 2012

alone in taipe with a busted cam

Travelling alone requires a lot of preparation. But there are unexpected things that happen along the way...Good or not soooo good, they're part of the experience..

Arriving in Taoyuan International Airport at past 12 am, I took a bus that goes to Taipe Main Station. I knew  that I'll be taking a taxi from the bus stop to the hotel that I booked, but never had I imagined that I am going to share it with a stranger. The young Taiwanese man who was in the same flight with me and runs a shop in Cartimar offered (and I accepted readily:)) to share taxi....Excitement (plus fatigue) may had overwhelmed me before I thought of my safety. But on the hindsight,  it is more scary to take a taxi alone with a driver who doesn't understand English at all.

The 2nd time I taxi shared was when I went to Catholic Church frequented by OFW. I am supposed to meet an OFW I met a day before in McDonald's. As she instructed, I took an MRT and got off at Minquan Station and looked for lone exit and the Starbucks. Well, she didn't show up, there were several exits and there is no Starbucks in sight. Though, it seemed I was on the right MRT Station because there were lots of Filipinos. Glad that the 2 Filipinas whom I asked for the direction of the Church offered to take me with them in the taxi. As usual I readily accepted, but unlike my first taxi sharing experience, they didn't accept my share of fare..Tipirin ko daw pera for pasalubong. hehehe. It nice to know that there are still people who are willing to help without much thinking and I'm fortunate to have encountered them.

Busted camera, is one thing a traveller dread. Well it happened to me and it happened this trip when I am alone and has no back up cam. 2nd day on my trip, halfway to the Maokong Gondola ride, I noticed that LCD didn't show anything. I thought that  I got a low battery, but the flash was ok. Repeated on and off, didn't show any improvement. I, realized later that only LCD was damaged, all else were working. So I just took shots after shots, and just hoped that some would turn all right.

view from Maokong Gondola (cable car)...soooo cooold on a rainy morning

Taipe 101......

self shot inside the i wish the cam was ok, i am a lot slimmer in this one :)
almost perfect....CKS Memorial Hall...their bookstore is worth a visit....

quick tip.....

If you are taking Cebu Pac going to Taipe that arrives past midnight, after immigration, custom,  and bank (for money exchange) go straight to the bus parking and get on the bus (as this may be the last) going to Taipe Main Station. The ticket booth is already closed by that time. (In my case, I lingered at the ticket counter waiting for someone to show up. Lucky me, a Filipino told me to go to the parking lot). Make sure too, that you have the exact fare as the driver/conductor does not give change . The fare that time was NT$125.00

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