April 15, 2012

ANGKOR WAT in my mind....

I've never seen Lara Croft: Tomb Raider in full. Unconsiously, I don't want to ruin my mental image of Angkor as I've seen it in history books.  It's my ultimate Asian destination....And this is what I got.....

I knew that there would be lots of people,  but I didn't expect  that it was a struggle just to have a  good view of the sunrise...the sun that did not show up.....huhuhu

I say a lot of people, as in coaches and coaches of hanguk saram...annyeong

I was not so sure if any one of my friends  (just kidding friends, sorry) was a jinx, but the moment we left Phnom Phenm, disappointments started coming in. What was supposed to be an 8 hour bus ride, became almost 12. I think that Cambodians have queer way of highway engineering...We arrived at almost 12 midnight in Siem Reap. It was a long and tiring trip, and we were longing for nice and comfy beds...Yet, another surprise came, the room was not as we expected...so it took a while before we did settle for the night...and oh by the way some tempers flew...(which I'd rather forget)...

And lest I forget, my monthly visit chose to come the day we visited Angkor...As it was "bloody" for me, movement was very limited and made several trips to the not-so-comfortable toilet in which you have to pay 1000 riel (a quarter of a US$).

And if it was not enough, it rained.....

 better view of the sky, temple and ground after the rain

 again, waiting for the sunset that never came, haring araw decided to be consistent....

 this is the best shot we got!

this is not original, nevertheless, I say.....

I  shall return....

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